Gta sa iron man mod
Gta sa iron man mod

  • WHEELSAREALLINEED ~ Only car wheels visible.
  • GRIPISEVERYTHING ~ Vehicle handling improved.
  • IWANTITPAINTEDBLACK ~ All cars become black.
  • AHAIRDRESSERSCAR ~ All cars become pink.
  • MIAMITRAFFIC ~ Aggressive AI driving on.
  • gta sa iron man mod

    BETTERTHANWALKING ~ Spawns a Golf Caddie.ROCKANDROLLCAR ~ Spawns a Love Fist Stretch/Limo.GETTHEREAMAZINGLYFAST ~ Spawns a Hotring Racer (alternate).GETTHEREVERYFASTINDEED ~ Spawns a Hotring Racer.GETTHEREQUICKLY ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger (alternate).

    gta sa iron man mod

    TRAVELINSTYLE ~ Spawns a Bloodring Banger.FOXYLITTLETHING ~ Player model is Mercedes.IDONTHAVETHEMONEYSONNY ~ Player model is Sonny Forelli.ONEARMEDBANDIT ~ Player model is Phil Cassidy.WELOVEOURDICK ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #2.ROCKANDROLLMAN ~ Player model is Love Fist rocker #1.LOOKLIKEHILARY ~ Player model is Hilary King.MYSONISALAWYER ~ Player model is Ken Rosenberg.LOOKLIKELANCE ~ Player model is Lance Vance.CHEATSHAVEBEENCRACKED ~ Player model is Ricardo Diaz.STILLLIKEDRESSINGUP ~ Player model changed randomly.PROGRAMMER ~ Player model changed to skinny.DEEPFRIEDMARSBARS ~ Player model changed to fat.CERTAINDEATH ~ Tommy smokes a cigarette.

    gta sa iron man mod

  • FANNYMAGNET ~ Female actors follow player.
  • YOUWONTTAKEMEALIVE ~ Increase Wanted Level.
  • PRECIOUSPROTECTION ~ Gain/restore armor.
  • Note that Cap Sense does not apply to the cheats! I download 1 part at a time, without any interruptions, so I don’t think I am wrong there.See the keyboard? Type the GTA Vice City cheats (displayed in CAPs) below to get the effect. So please add new parts to this website, if not, please make the link to the UNCOMPRESSED WHOLE VERSION’s redirect to the correct download page, so that I can download the WHOLE game at once instead of parts.

    gta sa iron man mod

    So, my theory is that the parts are corrupt, even after keeping the broken files and getting a successful extraction, I wasn’t able to get the game to work. I restarted the app, tried all compatibility settings, but its not working! Waited on the screen for like 10-15 minutes, it doesn’t go anywhere from there I have to force close the app. So, my last resort was to “keep broken files” and extract, I did even that, the archives were extracted without any error, the game opened, BUT… The game is only loading halfway, as in, the loading screen after choosing a save-game/new game is only going HALFWAY and stopping. I downloaded the uncompressed version in parts, BUT turns out that the parts 2,3,4,5 were corrupt, happens to me a lot of times, so I just re-downloaded the parts and then extracted them again, but the error that either the archive is corrupt or some other thing, even 2 error in 1 archive were coming, so I downloaded again, extracted again and again and again, I have downloaded and extracted this game’s parts 2,3,4,5 for like 5 times now and I can’t get it to work. The download link to the uncompressed version (whole) is redirecting me to the ULTRA COMPRESSED version’s download page.

    Gta sa iron man mod